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Senin, 14 April 2014

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs "Be," "Do," "Have"

  An auxiliary verb helps the main (full) verb and is also called a "helping verb." With auxiliary verbs, you can write sentences in different tenses, moods, or voices. Auxiliary verbs are: be, do, have, will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, must, ought, etc.

  • I think I should study harder to master English.
  • I am having a cup of coffee.
  • You have been practicing hard.
  • It was written by a petitioner.
  • You may choose what you like.
The verb forms of be, do, and have can be used either as a main (full) verb or an auxiliary verb. The following examples show these verbs used as auxiliary verbs.

1. "Be" as an auxiliary verb

a. Used in progressive sentences:

  • I am taking a bath.
  • She is preparing dinner for us.
  • They have been studying all night.
b. Used in passive sentences:

  • I was given a free meal.
  • He was seen by fans at the airport.
  • This song has been sung by all nations.
2. "Do" as an auxiliary verb

a. Used in negative sentences:

  • I do not know the truth.
  • She doesn’t agree with me.
  • They didn’t arrive here yet.
b. Used in questions:

  • Do you want to have another one?
  • Did he finish his homework?
  • Do we need to keep going straight?
3. "Have" as an auxiliary verb

a. Used in perfect sentences:

  • I have been following you for a mile.
  • We have done a lot so far.
  • She had been queen of the town.

[Quiz 6.1]

Identify all auxiliary verbs in the following paragraph.

I have just heard that you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday. Did you have a conflict with that time? I must ask that you explain the reason.

[Quiz 6.2]

Which of the following sentences does not show any auxiliary verbs?

1) I didn’t have any reason to go there.
2) Have we practiced this song enough?
3) Three seats have been reserved for us.
4) I am a professor in the economics department.

Auxiliary Verbs "Will/Would" and "Shall/Should"

The verbs will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, and must cannot be the main (full) verbs alone. They are used as auxiliary verbs only and always need a main verb to follow.


Used to express desire, preference, choice, or consent:

  • I will take this duty.
  • Will you stop talking like that?
Used to express the future:

  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • The news will spread soon.
Used to express capacity or capability:

  • This bucket will hold two gallons of water.
  • This airplane will take 200 passengers.
Used to express determination, insistence, or persistence:

  • I will do it as you say.

Would (past form of will)

Often used in auxiliary functions with rather to express preference:

  • I would rather go shopping today.
  • We’d rather say something than stay quiet.
Used to express a wish or desire:

  • I would like to have one more pencil.
Used to express contingency or possibility:

  • If I were you, I would be so happy.
Used to express routine or habitual things:

  • Normally, we would work until 6 p.m.


Mainly used in American English to ask questions politely (it has more usages in British English). For the future tense, will is more frequently used in American English than shall.

  • Shall we dance?
  • Shall I go now?
  • Let’s drink, shall we?
Often used in formal settings to deliver obligation or requirement:

  • You shall abide by the law.
  • There shall be no trespassing on this property.
  • Students shall not enter this room.

Should (past form of shall)

Often used in auxiliary functions to express an opinion, suggestion, preference, or idea:

  • You should rest at home today.
  • I should take a bus this time.
  • He should be more thoughtful in the decision-making process.
Used to express that you wish something had happened but it didn’t or couldn’t (should + have + past participle):

  • You should have seen it. It was really beautiful.
  • I should have completed it earlier to meet the deadline.
  • We should have visited the place on the way.
Used to ask for someone’s opinion:

  • What should we do now?
  • Should we continue our meeting?
  • Should we go this way?
  • Where should we go this summer?
Used to say something expected or correct:

  • There should be an old city hall building here.
  • Everybody should arrive by 6 p.m.
  • We should be there this evening.

[Quiz 6.3]

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate auxiliary verb.

1) I                     leave now. It is too late.
2) You                     have seen him. His dance was amazing.
3)                     we have lunch together?
4) I                     like a cup of tea, please.
5)                     we read the email?

Auxiliary Verbs "Can/Could" and "May/Might/Must"


Used to express ability (to be able to do something):

  • I can make jewelry.
  • He can’t speak French.
  • Can you open this jar?
Used to ask for permission:

  • Can I use your bathroom?
  • Can I leave now?
  • Can I raise the volume?
Used to make requests or suggestions:

  • Can I have more napkins?
  • Can I have the bill?
  • You can take this spot if you like.
  • You can do whatever you want.

Could (past form of can)

Describes an ability that someone had in the past:

  • I could swim when I was young.
  • You could see the boat sinking.
  • They could tell he was nervous.
Often used in auxiliary functions to express permission politely:

  • Could I take this jacket with me?
  • You could borrow my umbrella.
  • Could you please let me pass you?
  • Could I get you more water?
Used to express possibility:

  • All of them could ride in the van.
  • You could always stay at our house.
  • Could it be true?
  • This plan could really work out.


Used to ask for formal permission:

  • May I come in?
  • May I say something now?
  • May I ask one question?
Used to suggest something that is possible:

  • She may agree with this plan.
  • They may not be happy about what happened.
  • It may shower tonight.

Might (past form of may)

Used to suggest a smaller possibility than may does (actually, might is more common than may in American English):

  • He might have finished it.
  • I might go see a doctor.
  • I might not come this time.
  • It might be right.
  • You might have lost it.
  • The store might have been closed today.


Used to express something formally required or necessary:

  • I must complete the project by this week.
  • The government must provide health care for everybody.
  • Everyone must save the natural resources of the earth.
  • The building must have a fire alarm.
  • You must answer my question right now.
Used to show that something is very likely:

  • He must be a genius.
  • You must be joking!
  • There must be an accident.
  • She must be very tired.

[Quiz 6.4]

Choose the right word for each blank.

1) She                      (can, could, may, might, must) have practiced a lot. Her performance was amazing.
2) I can’t find my watch anywhere. I                      (can, could, may, might, must) have lost it.
3) Professor,                      (can, could, may, might, must) I ask a question?
4)                      (can, could, may, might, must) you please lower your voice?
5) You                      (can, could, may, might, must) be kidding! How is that possible?
6) I                      (can, could, may, might, must) speak both English and Chinese fluently.

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