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Selasa, 15 April 2014

Simple Shopping


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1. Where are the pencils?
2. How much is this mirror?
3. How much does this cost?
4. How much are these?
5. Do you have any t-shirts?
6. That comes to $26.59.
7. That will be $17.48.

They're on the second shelf.
It's $19.95.
That one is $5.00.
They're $4.00 each.
What size? Medium or Large?
Here's $30.00.
Here's $17.50. Keep the change.

Okay, thanks.
Okay. I'll take it.
How about this one?
That's too expensive.
Your change is $3.41

Expressing Likes and Dislikes

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1. I like fruit.
2. Helen likes sports.
3. Ms. Cramer doesn't like coffee.
4. Tony does not like action movies.
5. Does Terry like swimming?
6. Does Phil like soft drinks?
7. Does Sheila like salad?
8. Do you like Chinese food?

What kind?
What kind of sports?
Really? Does she like tea?
Oh. What kind does he like?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't.
No, she does not.
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
A little.

Oranges and bananas.
Football and tennis.
Yes, she does.
(He likes) drama.

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Paraphrasing involves restating someone else's ideas in your own words.
There are several phrases that can be used to introduce paraphrasing :

So . . . (rephrase the other person's ideas)
In other words . . . (paraphrase)
I understand. (You're saying that . . .)
Oh. I see. (You want to say that . . . )
I get it. (You mean . . .)
So, what you mean is . . .
Let me see if I understand you correctly. . .
What I think you're saying is . . .
If I'm hearing you correctly . . .


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If you would like to make a comment or insert a remark in an ongoing conversation, it is polite to acknowledge what someone has just said before stating your own ideas.

Some phrases

That's interesting. I think that...
Interesting point. I would add...
Hmmm. I hadn't thought of that before.
Questions can also be a useful way of bringing new ideas into a conversation:
What do you think about . . .
Have you considered . . .
What about . . .
Sometimes a more direct approach is appropriate:
Can I add something here?
(Do you) mind if I interject something here?



(Simple imperative verb): - Help me.*
Please + verb (more polite) - Please help me.

Can you . . . ? - Can you help me?
Will you . . . ? - Will you help me?
Could you (please) . . . ? - Could you help me?
Would you (please). . . ? - Would you please help me?
Would you mind (V+ing) . . . ? - Would you mind helping me?
Could you possibly . . . ? - Could you possibly help me out here?
(very polite) Would you be so kind as to . . . ? - Would you be so kind as to help me (with this)?

1. Give me a paper towel.
2. Please mail this letter for me.
3. Would you please turn down that music?
4. Will you type my term paper for me?
5. Would you give me a ride home?
(Could you . . .)

Here you are.
Okay. I'll stop by the post office on my way home.
Sorry. Is it bothering you?
Sure. When do you need it?
Sorry. I'm not going in that direction.
*This is also used in commands: Example, Go to your room!



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1. Here. Have a cookie.
2. Would you like some pie?
3. How about a glass of wine?
4. What will you have (to drink)?
5. Would you like some more cake?
6. Can I get you some milk or something?

No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Thanks, but I don't drink (alcohol).
Orange juice will be fine.
Sure. It's really good. Did you bake it yourself ?
Well, a glass of water would be okay.


Giving Directions


Click this link for the audio : http://www.eslgold.com/images/sp_ask_dir.mp3

(First,) go down this street (for ____ blocks).
(Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light.
(After that,) go straight on _____ Street until you get to the ______.
(When you get to the _____,) turn left/right again.
(Then,) stay on_______Avenue for about _______ yards/meters.
It's on your left, next to the __________. You can't miss it

1. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here?
  • Yeah. There's one right across the street.

2. Can you tell me how to get to Phoenix?
  • Sorry. I don't live around here.

3. Where's Tanner's Leather Shop?
  • It's on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next to the library.

4. How do you get to the bank?
  • Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It's on the left hand side.